Monday, April 13, 2009

The Great escape

No sooner had we hit the vague area between Alexandria, Louisiana and Shreveport than we observed an most interesting scenario. Miles of flat land with rectangular and square ponds etched in them. Being insatiably curious we pulled over under the guise of 'getting gas'. After questioning the bewildered attendant we got a rye answer of ,"We farm Craw fish". Some of you who have read previous blogs, will attest the craw fish has nothing to fear from me and as a matter of fact needs only to ask and I would be more than happy to help them escape their future spicing Jacuzzi.

However, since our job is to fully inform you, the reader, off we went to take pictures. Along a barren road we walked chattering excitedly and stopping to take pictures of both "Craw fish farming" and pretty spring flowers, when low and behold we stumbled upon the daring escape.
At this point, dear reader, I must tell you that my heart was filled with admiration for the brave little soul which had planned and executed such a monumental task. Hidden amongst the weeds maybe two hundred feet from the 'Craw fish pond" and across a two lane road was a small hill with a breathing hole. This hill resembled a very tiny volcano and we all bent to get a closer look. Very carefully with the tip of my Nike running shoe, ( in an adorable pink and silver, mind you.) I lifted the hill and turned it over. Much like an escape hatch in a submarine, it's well constructed self fell to the side to reveal an under ground current. We all stood staring in shock. Somewhere, a crustacean has hit the road in search of a better life. I hope you will all join me in wishing for his future happiness and dream fulfillment. Perhaps he will open a restaurant somewhere and serve only chicken or maybe he will become a lobbyist for the plight of the poor Craw fish on capital hill. Hopefully he is steering clear of anything resembling a steaming bath or drawn butter.

We carefully put down the ' hatch' on this little tunnel and walked back to our van. If we see him or her on our journey , I would like to believe we would offer him assistance but in reality we won't, After all he does smell a bit fishy.

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