Creating a delicious meal that satisfies both your nutrition needs and your taste buds is not that difficult. For instance if one was to have a few organic brown eggs sitting around and some triple washed spinach from Sam's club or Costco, one might have the back bone of just such a meal. Say you ,who have now ascertained that you do indeed have the afore mentioned ingredients, were to locate a jar of homemade black beans ( or canned) and a couple of avocados begging to become guacamole. From this point you would be mostly there. So, set about getting out your skillet and pouring your beans into a pan to warm. There now, don't you feel encouraged now, dinner is almost completed and you have just begun. Wilt a skillet full of vitamin rich spinach and dress with a smidge of olive oil, grey salt and lemon and create a nest of the same on your plate. Now, carefully ladle your warm black beans into the center of the nest and begin frying your eggs. One or two, which every you choose will do nicely. Hopefully by now, you or someone close to you has mashed those lovely, creamy avocados, with a bit of micro-planed garlic,lemon, grey salt and crystal sauce, this will sit nicely atop those eggs.
Since the eggs take only a few moments you are , I am sure , ready to perch them atop the glistening bed of black beans.

PUT DOWN THAT FORK! Really...Do have some control. We are close, so lets finish this off to perfection! Sprinkle no more than a tablespoon full of raw cheddar cheese across those steaming eggs and spread your newly made guacamole across the top of that. Whew! See there, you have neither starved to death nor been forced to continue your rapidly developing friendship with the drive-through attendant at that horrid fast food place down the road.
Oh yes, add a bit of fresh salsa to the top of the whole shebang and your taste buds will thank you. So, go on now, don't stand on ceremony. Dig in and thank me later...