Friday, April 3, 2009

Little Known Facts Regarding Strawberries

You may be thinking, What is there to say about the strawberry that hasn't been visited and re-visited in every publication everywhere I look! You may be right, as we are just getting to the end of strawberry season. Ah...but I think there are some little known facts about the mighty strawberry that has been overlooked to often and just maybe some new ideas that will serve you well in the very near future.
To start with the strawberry has been delighting the young and old for well over 2000 years. In the 1714 a french engineer sent to Chile and Peru to monitor the Spanish observed that the strawberries growing in the area where much bigger that the European varieties. With a bad case of strawberry envy, he decided to bring a few plants back to France in the hope of improving the french variety. This plan was a dismal failure until the Chilean strawberry met a North American strawberry and from this destined meet came a sweet, juicy offspring which became the rave of Europe. Whether the American strawberry had been visiting, on a student visa or newly transplanted is unclear. All that aside what we know is love bloomed and the union produced a large fruit that spent much time entertaining royalty and dignitaries until the railroads finally superseded ox cart and shipping made it possible for the masses to partake.
That is just fascinating! you say, but what has this to do with me? Well...frankly not much. However you may be able to find a way to work it into dinner conversation or over a cocktail with friends. The occasion I leave in your very capable hands.
Nutritionally Strawberries are brimming with vitamin c and k,enzymes and flavonoids. They are also a good source of vitamin b1, pantothenic acid, folic acid, manganese and iodine. There is next to no fat and very little sugar and all of it is natural sugar. The Strawberries' vibrant color is due to its anthocyanidin content which in turn makes it a valuable protector against cancer, heart disease and inflammation. If you have allergies to strawberries it is best to just walk away no matter what the purported benefits are.
Enjoy this heroic fruit in smoothies or fresh juices, on wholegrain french toast or straight from the plant. Search your local farmers market and U-Pick strawberry farms for the sweetest picks. The children love to harvest these little gems themselves and in most cases eating on the job is encouraged. If the strawberries make it home make sure to store in the refrigerator immediately and eat with in two days. You can rinse them cut there little tops off and freeze them for longer storage or to add to your smoothies. A final warning, what ever you do, DO NOT leave berries sitting out they will get furry very quickly!

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