Thursday, March 12, 2009

That first steps a doozy...

As you can see, that is clearly an understatement. For those of you who have only just gotten past the title of this blog do to the dubious spelling of the word doozy feel free to call me and give me the correct spelling. Lets remember, however, that it will automatically identify you as a member of the over sixty crowd, as the under thirty crowd has never even heard the word before. But.....I digress. To the casual onlooker this staircase may seem to be less than safe and almost impossible to maneuver, however this is an actual improvement. Impossible! you exclaim in horror. I assure you, previous to the removal of the floor, the stairs were like every other stairway in our little town, built for incredibly petite, somewhat anorexic women who had had their feet bound as children in China. Moving furniture up for this select group of inhabitants must have been a piece of cake. If you are unfortunately, of a taller stature somewhat wider and somehow managed to avoid having your feet bound you and your furniture were out of luck. The new stairs currently being built will accommodate feet of all sizes and furniture for full grown people and with any luck the first step will be much less of a doozy.

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